Sunday 10 November 2013

Australian Anthony Weiner

The Anthony Weiner Syndrome
Anthony Weiner

The last thing I heard some time ago about  a politician  involved in a sex scandal in American was former congressman Anthony Weiner. Normally, I don't express outright political opinions. This time I will make an exception. It seems that Australia is not immune from the Anthony Weiner syndrome. Because an Australia MP seems want to do the same thing online. He flash is male genitals by tweeting online. Australian MP Peter Dowling is has the same disease as Anthony Weiner. It is making his dirty laundry appear online to the public.
                     MP Peter Dowling

There is an problem. The problem is that when you flash your private parts across the internet online that when you sign an agreement that all pictures and text are the propety of Twitter or Facebook. There is no way to take it back once it makes itself know online because the damage has been done. It become public domain. At that point you created contact to agreeing the terms and condition of the contract that online company has rights to. It means the company can use your words and images in a way that you may not intended. It can hurt you in ways you never thought of.

When you sign by click on the agree or submit button, you have sign away your rights to get rid of them. People will remember them for a long time. Politician who do this can't deny the fact they did do this online because servers keep logs files of what has been uploaded and words that go with them. Also, their information is in a database that where the data can be pulled up at anytime and has time and date stamp on it.

The lesson is when running for public office or holding public office, remember the public will find out about it and no amount denial save you because log files and data from database with time and date stamps do not lie. Also, people have long memories. When you run for office, you have be held accountable for your actions whether they are good or bad.

A Forex Trading for Income

Simple Trade to make in the  Forex market

Of the ways to make an honest living, Forex is  3-4 trillion dollar a day market with wonderful opportunities to make money.Anyone with enough patience and persistence can do it. Let you on a little secret I was able to pay off my student loan from my trading profits some years ago. I  am not at the same income level as a Warren Buffet or George Soros. But, I make a good living it. There is plenty of money out there.

Risk Disclaimer:
Anyway, I am going to put the risk disclaimer and get it out of the way. Trading Forex is risky business and sometimes you will lose the money that you traded. You are leveraged 50:1 or even more. There is the risk of loss of the money have invested. Never invest money that you are not committed losing. There is a possibility of losing your original investment. If you are not sure about investing, seek the help of registered investment adviser.

Also, the purpose of this trading lesson is education. This does not constitute trading advise. Nor do I give out trading signals. All opinions are my own and not nor

I am looking the NZD/USD currency pair on the daily chart and is the New Zealand dollar versus the US dollar.. It is the currency pair that I trade most often along with AUD/USD,which is the Australia dollar versus the US dollar. The currency pair is in classic head and sholders pattens. It is at 61.8% fibonachi retracement level. This is simple sell trade. We sell that it can go further. I expect that expect it go even lower because the strengthen of the recent Non Farm Payrolls report that came out on Friday. I am looking at a target profit of 0.8135 and a stop loss 50 pips higher than my entry point.

However, being really cautious because New Zealand Reserve Bank Governor Wheeler's comments about interest rate hikes that are coming in 2014,  and I am going to be even more cautious about the Federal Reserve's tapering possibility could cancel each other and leave things looking very choppy.

Also, we want to pay attention bigger themes like risk trends and what is happening in Japan with BOJ. I am reluctant to take a trade on the USD/JPY because the tight range that it is in of late.

Here is a Rolling  Stones' song that spells it out on I am feeling the USD/JPY.