Saturday 9 November 2013

Adventure is the Game

The Spirit of Adventure  Lives On


The overall goal during my stay in Australia is see the whole country. I mean take out on excursions to place that rarely get seen. I am going to do a walk about in the Outback. Australia has some of the world's most dangerous snakes,spiders,scorpions,reptiles and other animals. On the trip I won't using a laptop or a smart phone. Because I want to get a real feel for it. There won't be any grocery stores and you have to live off the land. I will use Aboriginal guides to guide me along the track across the outback. I hope to capture on film pictures like the one below 

I going use small bolt action rifle for hunting purposes and get a license to hunt. I won't hunt for pleasure. I will only purpose getting food. I will learn to use a boomerang.

 I hope I  will get pictures like this,so I can capture some great memories. I w

I hope to capture Aborginal cermonies providing they give me permission to do so, and take picture of Aborgnial using the digeridoo like in picture below

I will travel to Katherine's Gorge like the picture below

I will see things and document them which make the  journey even more memorable. Here is the chant of the digeridoo to make it seem real to your mind.

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