Saturday 9 November 2013

Barrister's Wig Fallacy

A Barrister's Fashion Sense

Lawyers in Australia, in certain states, are divided between barristers and solicitors in different jurisdictions. The legal profession is not fused in certain parts of Australia and inherited the tradition from the England. Barrister are the lawyers that handle larger legal matters and argue cases before appeal courts and High Courts, as well as, arguing cases before the High Court of Australia. Solicitors and Barristers wear robes like the picture below. The solicitor is not required to wear a wig, but the barrister is.

Some of the wigs have been worn by others and start to fade. I know if I can get become a barrister. I won't buying a used wig because it can carry skin diseases from other people even lice and not knowing where it has been. I will clean my barrister's wig often and keep it looking clean and pristine.  I will work at getting licensed in the US at the same time. It is looking at apart of history from era long ago. I have seen lawyers wear wigs in England from pictures and movies. I found out that Australia carried over the tradition.

I read that one barrister said that the wig starts look better with age. I am not so certain using a wig that someone wore at one time is a good idea. It is a good idea to wear one for court,but I believe it should be a brand new one rather than used one.

There is much debated in Australia about ditching the wig altogether and coming into the modern era. The lawyers in Canada and US do not wear the wigs and the legal profession is fused. Let me know what you think about barristers wearing wigs should they ditch the wig altogether or keep it.

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