
Here are some questions that I can answer to your questions

Why didn't you go law school in the US instead of Australia?

I was kind of concern on the direction the economy and the direction  of the culture is taking in the US.  I took the LSAT and got a 167 on it, but I saw that the LSAT was being used for school ranking and not really giving scholarships away to help the students based on their high LSAT scores. The schools are not using the LSAT the right way as they claim. The LSAT is not being used to measure the skills necessary to succeed in the law school environment and is being used allow schools to get a higher ranking rather being concerned about the students in the end.The quality of legal education has declined in the US. The law schools are not producing accurate data about job placement rates and bar passage rates. They are not producing very good lawyers. The law schools in the US are failing and producing students with a lot of debt. It is only getting worse where it is creating despair for students and the legal profession in the US. The thing I was wanted to be able travel and get a high quality legal education  that stood above the rest. It would allow me to explore in the classroom and outside the classroom. It would give an opportunity experience to life with renew sense of vigor. I have a strong sense of adventure and love to explore. Also, I have a strong passion for the law. When you have those two, it become syntheses where it is easy to reconcile both of them.

How are you going to pay for school while in Australia? 

I am paying the whole tuition bill out of my own money. I own a business and day trade the currency markets (Forex), which is making it all possible.I will put ways to help those considering JD overseas and find other means of helping people to fund their lives and fund their education in the end. I will try to put other solutions to student loan debt and suggest a better approach to student loans altogether. Law school around the world has an expensive price tag. The thing is help other find a way that the OMG sticker shock moment does not overwhelm students.

What makes your blog about the law different from others?

Most of the law blogs pretty much go through the same thing about going just class and don't tell more than it. My blog is different because it adds extra element of travel and seeking adventure.Also, it is chance to learn the law in new way from a fresh prospective. It is kind a travel vs law vs adventure type of blog. I would say it is mixture of Steve Irwin: the Crocodile Hunter, the Paper Chase and National Geographic. After all, learning is an adventure.

I heard the law is politically, and what is your politically affiliation?

I am an independent and have no allegiance to any political party or political idealogy. When I was political, I tended vote for the person who could do the job the best. I want to stay out of politics because it delutes my passion for the law and wanting to travel. Also, I don't want to be depressed. Politics is depressing, and politicians can become jerks. Politicians can ignore the needs of their constituants.

How often will you post fresh content?

As often or daily that I am able to.

About the free stuff, is there a gimmick to getting it?

There are no gimmicks. There are no scams. Just your loyal readership that is it.I am not a good sales person. I am not even a good liar. I want to put stuff people can use in their everyday lives and hope uplift them when they are feeling blue.

Who are you really?

I am regular person wanting to experience life in whole new way. No, I am not bot nor am I marketing firm. I am not a scam artist. I am just a regular 42 year old woman and seeks new challenges. Traveling and getting high quality education is what I seek.  I am a friend. My name is Liz S. I am hoping to tell about my adventure through the process of becoming lawyer in the land down under. I want to be about passing on good information from what I learned or researched along the way.

What are your long term goals after law school?

Well, I would like to become a criminal prosecutor or a lawyer that works both in US and Australia for clients in both countries. I want to have a global presence and will let other people know there is someone who is can represent people in either country.

What is different about your blog from blogs?

I won't post things like I drank a cup of coffee or I walk the dog. I won't post crazy stuff like people showing themselves in sexual activity nor showing vulgar thing bragging about like on Facebook. I want to be about the experience and not about me. I want to share information,so others can learn from my mistakes and learn from my successes. I am hoping it help them to decide if this is right for them. It will tell about life in Australia and getting a high quality legal education. I am hoping to showcase an alternative to the law school experience in the US. I want to show that there is a better way of being driven by the US media and the culture to drive people to keep with their neighbor and getting themselves into more debt to acquire law degree. It has been perpetuated in the media about a law degree is one way to wealth. I believe this does a great disservice to the study of law. The whole reason of studying is improve one's own self. In the US, they are not creating new independent thinkers and inventors, but a colony of worker bees and worker ants to serve one queen. I want the experience to show a breath of knowledge and experience that is different from others. With Facebook, you post a picture and it becomes look at me and less about the experience. Also, people brag about themselves on there. I am not comfortable about bragging about myself.I am very humble and modest. I want to keep it that way. This blog will show things that someone might not know about and about able to put out information that is different about life in Australia and as a student there.

What if I had question, can you answer it in a timely manner?

I can answer in a time manner and have quick response within a day or less. If I don't know answer. I will find it for you,so that you get accurate information to your questions and comments. So feel free to ask any question you would like to ask. Remember, is no such thing as a stupid question. Just one that is not asked. You can email me or twitter me. All of my contact info is Contact section of the blog.

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